My name is Luciana, I live
in Bologna, (54 m. over sea level) and I cultivate my plant for
about 2 years in the balcony of house that is exposed to north/west,
for which the hours of sun in the summer go from 1 to 7 in the
afternoon. (but a building in front of my house -
mainly in autumn ed winter _ take away hours of sun to the plants).
Winter minimum temperature in 2002 -8,9°, max (August) 2003 + 44°.
I possess around 170 plants some of which (Turbinicarpus
lophophoroides v. san Bartolome, Epithelantha unguispina, and.
micromeris, E. greggii, Echinocereus adustus, and bristolii, E.
reichembachii) purchased from Cactus art.
I would like a lot to participate to the
“Winter test”