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Winter test 2003: Individual participant card
Nr. 017   Maury Franck-Nicolas
FRANCE ~ Limoges


Cultivation and Mail Sale
of Cacti and Succulents.

Limoges Station by night
E-mail francknicolas.maury@tiscali.fr

I live in Limoges in the centre-west of France to an altitude of about 300 meters. The climate of Limoges is semi-oceanic, semi-continental, the minimal temperature in winter that I could observe is of -14C and the maximal temperature that I also recorded is of 39°C. The climate is enough variable, in winter long periods of dry cold weather can be followed  by rains with very warm temperatures (15°C), the spring is often warm and humid with some morning frosts and 20-25°C in the afternoon, and the summer is rather sunny with hot temperatures, until 30°C or even about 40°C,  like this year. I join the photos of the city where I live in. I live in an apartment where I have a balcony to put my cactuses and I have a zone reserved for shelter  the  the cactuses in winter  to a temperature of 10 °C. I protect my cactuses outside with a roof made of  Plexiglas in the spring when it rains too much. I hope to be selected for this test because the nature and the cactuses are my  passion  in particular for some years. I also like a lot astronomy and I observe the bugs, the flowers and the animals in general.

What my cactuses have like sight

The small balcony where I cultivate my cactus

August 16 2003: The test plants just repotted

I attach you the photos ....... but now, as you can see, they are very well.





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