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Trichomes  [ Botany ]
Synonym: Hairs, Indumentum, Setae

Adjective: Trichomic

Dictionary of botanic terminology - index of names

  In botany trichomes are fine outgrowths or appendages on plant’s outer cell layer (epidermis). These have diverse structure and function. Examples are hairs, or modification of a hair, scales, papillae, or gland and include root hairs. Any of the various types of hairs may be glandular.  
( from the Greek "thrix" meaning "hairs")

Aerial  surface hairs
There are several terms dealing whit trichomes the most basic are glabrous (lacking hairs) and pubescent (having hairs), following some of the more common terms:
Barbed: with terminal or lateral retrorse projections, each projection being a barb.
Hair: Plant hairs may be unicellular or multicellular, branched or unbranched. Multicellular hairs may have one or several layers of cells. Branched hairs can be dendritic (tree-like), tufted, or stellate (star-shaped).
Scale or peltate hair: a plate or shield-shaped cluster of cells attached directly to the surface or borne on a stalk of some kind.

The surface appearance of plant's organs, such as stems and leaves, are mainly characterized by the presence of trichomes and many terms are used in reference to the presence, form, and appearance of them.

See also: Surface featuresIndumentum

The terms prickles refer to outgrowths that involve more than the epidermis.







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