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  Alöe jucunda CACTUS ART

Cultivation and Mail Sale
of Cacti and Succulents.

Aloe jucunda

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Family: Asphodelaceae

Scientific name:  Aloe jucunda G. Reynolds
In: (JSAB) 19(1): 21-23, t. 11 - 1953

Origin:  Gaan Liba Forest Reserve, Hargeisa Reg, Somalia

Habitat:  Dry mountain forest on shade. Substrate: limestone.



Aloe jucunda is one of the most attractive and popular aloes.
It has a glossy, clean look, stays relatively small and forms
readily groups from suckers at the base of the plants.

Description: It is a miniature aloe with rosettes. Suckering to form dense groups up to 35 cm tall and 0,6-1 m in diameter.
Stem: Acaulescent to short branching.
Rosettes: Small up to 5-8 cm in diameter with up to 12 leaves.
Leaves: Densely rosulate, ovate accuminate, 4 cm long and 2-5 cm wide, glossy shiny dark green, and almost 'plastic-like' in consistency, flecked with transparent cream spots, surface smooth. The leaf margins are red-brown with a few pungent teeth up to 2 mm long and 3-4 mm apart. These turgid leaves recurve and look very nice. Exudate yellow.
Flower: The flowers are pale pink to coral pink 20-30 mm long and 5 mm across, on a 30cm tall simple stalks, the raceme is cylidindrical with about 20 flowers .
Blooming season:
The flowers are produced all year round whenever the growing condition are adequate.

Cultivation: Very easy species, and easy to find, too (commonly sold at outlet garden centres). It slowly clumps to fill out small pans to form very attractive small domes. To reach this state, however it requires patience and a careful hand with watering. Water regularly in spring and summer, keep drier in winter.
Prefer half shade (kept away from direct sun in summer) but it will get nicely redder colour with brighter light (not direct sun). Given the right conditions they can be grown as a houseplant.

Reproduction: Usually by Offsets or (rarely) by seeds, it has to be restarted periodically as the lower leaves shed and it looks bare.

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All the information and photos in cactus art files are now available also in the new the Encyclopaedia of Succulents. We hope you find this new site informative and useful.