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Echinocereus hancockii
(Syn: Echinocereus maritimus ssp. hancockii)


Cultivation and Mail Sale
of Cacti and Succulents.

Echinocereus hancockii has compact stems and with  long spination, which makes it extremely attractive.


Description: Echinoceres maritimus  is a mounding cactus, forming colonies of spherical to cylindrical stems. In habitat they can grow up to 2 m in diameter and 40 cm tall, with as many as 300 stems! They may vary from long (usual) to short-spined. This species resemble in habit with Opuntia invicta.
Stems: Globose or short-cylindrical, light to dark green 5-30 cm tall, 2.5-3.5 cm in diameter.
Ribs: 8 to10
, acute, 8-15 mm wide.
Root: Fibrose.

Central and upper spines:
4 to 10, pinkish to bright red, becoming dirty yellow or grey, spreading, stiff, straight, strongly flattened and angled, erect, 2,5-6cm long. (up to 3 mm in diameter)
Radial and lower spines: 7 to12, 1,5-2,5 cm long.
Flowers: Subterminal, infundibuliform, bright yellow, up to 6 cm long and in diameter.
Fruit: Globose, green, becoming red, spiny, drying up but not breaking.
 Ripens in 4-8 months.
Seeds: 1,2-1,3/1 mm dark/brown black.

Some recognize two very similar subspecies:

The 'hancockii' subspecies (regarded by N.P. TAYLOR as only a giant form of Echinocereus maritimus) is characterized by much larger heavily
-spined stems that are 5,5 to 7 cm thick. It forms smaller clumps of up to 30 heads. The color of the spines of 'hancockii' varies from light yellow to black-brown, while young spination in the apex is red in color
The 'maritimus' subspecies grows in great clusters up to over 2 m wide, with hundreds of small short spined stems that are 4 to 7 cm thick.

Cultivation: This plant from Baja California needs warmer winter temperatures, and can resist only occasional light frost, above -2 C. It is sensitive to over-watering (rot prone) and needs good drainage.  Fertilize with a half-strength liquid fertilizer in summer.   Keep absolutely dry in winter.  Needs full sun;

Propagation: Seeds or cutting (if available)


Photo gallery: Alphabetical listing of Cactus and Succulent pictures published in this site.

Photo gallery Echinocereus



Family: Cactaceae (Cactus Family)

Scientific name: Echinocereus hancockii Dawson  (Basionym)
in: Desert Plant Life 21: 89, 91 (1949)

TL:   Mexico, Baja California Sur, north side of San Hipolito.
Holotype:  E. Y. Dawson 6443, 4 April 1949 (LAM).

Origin Western Baja California and nearby islands.

Habitat: Grows in a stony soil on flat hills near the coast. Altitude about 50m.

Conservation status: Listed in CITES appendix 2.

Common Names include:

Etymology: named after Allan Hancock (fl. 1949), US- American captain of the marine laboratory ship Velero IV


  • Echinocereus maritimus ssp. hancockii (Dawson) Blum & Rutow
    In Blum et al.-
    ECHINOCEREUS 57, 1998
  • Echinocereus maritimus var. hancockii (Dawson) Taylor
    In: The Genus Echinocereus: 44 (1985)
  • Echinocereus maritimus (M.E. Jones) K. Schumann 1897
  • Cereus maritimus  M.E. Jones 1883

The color of the spines varies from
yellowish-white to black/brown, while young spination in the apex is pink-red in color

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All the information and photos in cactus art file are now available also in the new the Enciclopedia of Cacti. We hope you find this new site informative and useful.