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Mammillaria slevinii
(Syn: Mammillaria albicans)


Cultivation and Mail Sale
of Cacti and Succulents.

Mammillaria slevinii
An eye-catching plant, but not the easiest species to grow.
Should be carefully watered, especially in light of its small root system.

Description: Clustering cylindrical cactus with spines nearly obscuring the stem
Stem:  Columnar, pale green, up to 20 cm tall, 6 cm in diameter branching basally
Tubercles: Broadly conical, without latex
Axil: Woolly, dense wool in the flowering zone and a few bristles, white with dark brown tips.
Central spines: 4 to 8, with sometimes one hooked, white with brown tips, 8 - 10 mm long.
Radial spines: 14-21 , white, 5 - 8 mm long.
Flowers: Around the top, white to pale pink., with pinkish mid-veins, up to 20 mm in diameter.
Blooming season (Europe): June, August.
Fruit: Club-shaped, orange to red, 10 - 18 mm.
Seed: Nearly round, black.

Mammillaria slevinii forms rings of  showy white to pale pink flowers with a pinkish midvein in summer.

Propagation: Direct  sow after last frost, or use cuttings.

Photo gallery: Alphabetical listing of Cactus and Succulent pictures published in this site.

Photo gallery MAMMILLARIA



Family: Cactaceae (Cactus Family)

Mammillaria slevinii

Scientific name:  Mammillaria albicans (Britton & Rose) Berger 1929

First description: Neomammillaria albicans by Briton & Rose 1923
Origin:  Mexico (Baja California Peninsula and various islands, Mexico.

Habitat:  Grows on limestone-rich substrata, altitude 10 to 200 m.

Conservation status: Listed in CITES appendix 2.

Other Synonyms:

  • Chilita slevinii,
  • Bartschella albicans
  • Mammillaria albicans fa dolorensis
  • Mammillaria albicans fa slevinii


Cultivation: It is  slow-growing, and not especially easy to grow.  Use pot with good drainage and a very porous mineral-based potting mix. Potted plants are quite wet-sensitive, especially in light of its small root system. Water sparingly during the growing season, keep very dry in winter.  Feed with a high potassium fertilizer  in summer.
Usually it is recommended to overwinter this plant in a bright and warm greenhouse with at least 8-10° C, but it has proved to be quite frost resistant (if kept dry
, it's hardy as low as -5° C).  Strong light is required for flowering.
Some plants will offset readily, and clumps can be produced in a very few years.

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All the information and photos in cactus art files are now available also in the new the Enciclopedia of Cacti. We hope you find this new site informative and useful.