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All the information and photos in cactus art files are now available also in the new the Encyclopaedia of Succulents. We hope you find this new site informative and useful.

  Alöe richaudii

 Cultivation and Mail Sale
of Cacti and Succulents.

Aloe richaudii
 At the end of the dry winter rest this plant shows a fascinating reddish tinge of foliage.

A new species discovery by Richaud



Family: Asphodelaceae

Scientific name:  Aloe erinacea Rebmann




Cultivation:  It is relatively easy to cultivate under a wide variety of climatic conditions provided it is planted in a well-drained situation given adequate water but not over-watered.  It enjoys light-shade. It may be grown in full sun too but protect in summer from afternoon sun, and avoid reflected heat. Direct sunlight  along with prolonged drought and make the leaves turn areddish colour, a sign generally associated with stress. Frost hardy to -2°C. Maintenance: Removal of old flower stalks; During the winter months, the plants should be grown cool to initiate flower development (about 5-10°C ). Light fertilizer seems to boost its growth whenever additional water is given.

Propagation: Propagation is by seed, as it seldom offsets. Seeds must be sown as fresh as possible.  When kept too long they are parasitized by small crawling insects. The best time for sowing would be in the summer from October to December.  Use coarse river sand and cover seeds lightly, then keep moist.  It is advisable to treat seeds with a long-lasting fungicide, as seedlings are prone to damping off, a fungus that eventually kills the young plants. If you have a number of them you could intentionally damage the growing point to see if it will offset, but  wait to do that until September or so, when its growing season is beginning.


Photo gallery: Alphabetical listing of Cactus and Succulent pictures published in this site.

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All the information and photos in cactus art files are now available also in the new the Encyclopaedia of Succulents. We hope you find this new site informative and useful.