Conophytum christiansenianum is now considered to be a synonym for C.
bilobum ssp bilobum. Whatever its taxonomy, this plant from provides a
lovely splash of colour when it is covered by its yellow flowers. Cultivation: C.
christiansenianum is easy to grow. These plants grow on winter
rain and head for summer dormancy. They require little water; otherwise
its epidermis breaks (resulting in unsightly scars). Water minimally in
summer, (only when the plant starts shrivelling), but it will generally
grow even in summer if given water. Water regularly in winter after the
previous year's leaves have dried up. Requires good drainage. Keep cool
and shaded in summer, it needs full sun or light shade. Hardy to -2°C.
Ensure a very good ventilation. Avoid to repot frequently. This plant
may stay in the same pot for many years.
Propagation: It can be
reproduced both by cuttings and seeds. Take the cutting from a grown-up
mother plant. Each
cutting must contain one or more heads along with
a fraction of root.
Photo of conspecific
taxa, varieties, forms and cultivars of to
the Conophytum bilobum
complex (This
Taxon has lots of synonyms ( like
many other Conophytum) whit several controversial varieties and
subspecies and comprises a multitude of different forms, but where each
form is linked to others by populations of plants with intermediate