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Echinocereus lindsayi
(Syn: Echinocereus ferreirianus ssp. lindsayi )


Cultivation and Mail Sale
of Cacti and Succulents.

Echinocereus ferreirianus ssp. Lindsayi was discovered in 1975 by George Lindsayi and is one of the most interesting species with the genus Echinocereus for its attractively spination.





Family: Cactaceae (Cactus Family)

Scientific name: Echinocereus lindsayi Meyran 1975:
Publisced in: Meyran et al.,80-83.  8 May 1975 in H. Sanchez-Mejorada 2424 (MEXU)

From the mexican state of Baja California Norte.
TL:   between Cataviņa & Laguna  Chapala.

Conservation status: Listed in CITES appendix 1.

  • Echinocereus ferreirianus var. lindsayi
    (Meyran) Taylor 1985
  • Echinocereus ferreirianus ssp. lindsayi
    (Meyran) Taylor 1997

Desription: E. lindsay is an heavily spined cactus with usually a solitary stem, but sometime it branches forming clumps with several stems. The spines are very robust and long almost obscuring the stem.
Stem: Up to 13 cm tall and 10 cm in diameter. Spherical to cylindrical, grey-green to green.
Central spines: Usually 4 (but sometime up to 7) strong, round in cross section, 1,5 to 10 cm long usually curved, bright red when young later dark grey to brown.
Radial spines: 8 to 14 shorter, spreading, whitish 0,8 to 4,5 cm long.
6-10 cm long, 4-9,5 cm broad, arising laterally near the apex, funnel-shaped, pink, bright purple to dark magenta with an orange to deep-red contrasting throat. Sigma reddish.
Blooming season: May.




E. Lindsayi Cataviņa


Cultivation: This plant from Baja California needs warmer winter temperatures, and can resist only occasional light frost, above -2C. It is sensitive to overwatering (rot prone) and needs good drainage.  Fertilize with half-strength liquid fertilizer in summer.   Keep absolutely dry in winter.  Needs full sun;

Propagation: Seeds or cutting (if available)



Photo gallery: Alphabetical listing of Cactus and Succulent pictures published in this site.

Photo gallery Echinocereus


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All the information and photos in cactus art file are now available also in the new the Enciclopedia of Cacti. We hope you find this new site informative and useful.