The Trichodiadema bulbosum is a South African succulent plant also known
as the African Bonsai. Over time, it will slowly develop a thickened
root system or caudex which is highly prized.
This member of the Aizoaceae family was given this name by Martin
Heinrich Gustav Schwantes in 1926. The genus name "trichodiadema" means
"threaded crown" referring to the hair radiating from the leaf tips.
Description: Caudiciform succulent with long stems. It branches heavily
and forms a low, rounded shrub.
Caudex (enlarged napiform root): Irregular underground up to 20 (30) cm,
in plants raised from seeds it is usually solitary but specimens grown
from cuttings will form a thick much-branched tuber that have a tan
shiny epidermis. The caudex can easily be raised above ground level out
of the pot for ease of contemplation.
Stems: Wiry, densely branched up to 30(60) cm tall,
Leaves: 8 mm long succulent, cylindrical, bright green to grey with a
crown of soft white bristles, making for a very attractive plant.
Flowers: Violet to purple-red with a yellow center (eventually also
white or pink) 2 cm wide.
Blooming time: Flowers bloom from spring to autumn..
Cultivation: Likes a part-shade position (some early or late sun) but is
quite tolerant as regards sun and intense heat. Growing in well-drained
soil, Tolerates considerable frost a low as – 4° C (or less) and dry
conditions due to its tuberous roots. This species is slow growing and
after some years, the roots can be raised for effect, creating a
beautiful succulent bonsai. This plants in the first years are usually
grown in black nursery containers but if you have a mature specimen with
a nice caudex, a bonsai pot or dish seems to make the plant a little
more special and helps display the plant well.
Propagation: Seeds, it can be also reproduced by cuttings.
Roots of Trichodiadema species have been used in the past for speeding
the fermentation of bread, beer, etc. It is presumed they contain either
yeast or sugars which increase the rate of fermentation.
Mesebrianthemaceae (Aizoaceae)
Scientific name:
Trichodiadema bulbosum (Haw.) Schwant.
Origin: Western
and Eastern Cape Provinces of the Republic of South
Africa, (Port Elizabeth)
Conservation status: Listed in
CITES appendix 2.
Common Name: African
- Mesembryanthemum bulbosum Haw. 1824
- Mesembryanthemum intonsum, Haw.
- Mesembryanthemum intonsum var. rubicundum Haw.
- Trichodiadema intonsum, Schwantes 1926
The flowers are bright violet-purple
with yellowhis-green centre from spring to autumn.
Trichodiadema bulbosum along with Mestoklema tuberosum are the two more
famous succulent mesembs much sought after by the lovers of caudiciform
and pachycaul. This species forms many short branches from tan tuberous
roots that typically are exposed in cultivation.