…..Send you an up
to date photo (August 06 2003) of the grafted Sulcorebutia rauschii
WR 289 cv violacidermis and a picture taken a few day after the
purchase (sincerely I don't remember exacly when I bought it: about
the end of April-beginning May2003?) to let you see the growth
that it has had…..
...The grafting
stock is only partially hidden by lava gravel because' I don't trust
to cover it with soil unless you don't tell me that the opuntia
doesn't rot
Paolo Conti
A few plants from CACTS ART Nursry
purchased in spring 2003 .. |

Turbinicarpus rioverdensis |

Turbinicarpus pseudopectinatus
dr. Arroyo |
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