Description: Solitary, seldom branching cactus
Stems: Globose, , 5 - 8 cm
in diameter, slightly depressed at the apex with little wool. Abundant
wool in the young axils. Don’t contains
Radial spine: 16 - 18, white, slender, needle-like, interlacing somewhat
curved, longer at the sides, 1 - 5 mm long.
Central spine: 2, often only 1, stout needle-like to awl-shaped,
straight or a little bent, grey-brown, darker at the tip, 5 - 8 mm long.
Flower: Bright rose-red with darker midstripe, 15 - 20 mm long.
Cultivation: Water sparingly, needs good drainage, Hardy to -4° C
(if dry).
Mammillaria elegans A.P. de Candolle 1828.
is a 'nomen
confusum' and referes bolth to
M. geminispina with latex in the stem (Subgenus
Mammillaria section Hydrochylus series supertextae) and to M. haageana,
without latex in the stem ( Subgenus Mammillaria, section Galactophylous,
series Leucocephale )