
Matucana aureiflora is a great
plant, with unusually golden flowers that stay open day and night.
cactus is still often encountered under the name of Borzicactus
Description: Flattened to globular cactus.
Stem: 10 cm tall, 12 cm or more in diameter.
Roots: Tap root.
Spines: Curly, glassy and amber coloured.
Leafs: The stem apex of
the Matucana aureiflora is unusual among
globular cacti in having a visible scale leaf, subtending each areole
when young
Flowers: Yellow to golden , 5 cm long, 3-4cm in diameter in
several flushes, in spring and summer.
They stay open day and night.

Cactaceae (Cactus
Scientific name:
Matucana aureiflora
F. Ritter F. Ritter In:
Kakteen und and. Sukkulenten, 16: 229, 1965
Origin: Peru (Camajarca)
Conservation status: Listed in
CITES appendix 2.
- Submatucana aureiflora (Ritt.) Backeb.
In: Das
Kakteenlexikon, p. 459, 1966.
- Borzicactus aureiflorus (Ritt.) Don.
In: Cact.
Succ. J., 26: 10, 1971.
- Matucana celendinensis,
- Matucana aureiflora var. elata n. n.
- Submatucana aureiflora var. elata n. n.
- Submatucana aureiflora var. incaica n. n.
- Matucana incaica n. n.
- Oroya incaica var. aureiflora n. n

Photo &
Süleyman Demir Turkey
Home page:
Cultivation: Matucana
aureiflora grow slowly in their natural habitats, but in
greenhouses they grow quickly. Not very hard to grow if protected from
freezing temperatures, they need care in cultivation to reach a good
size without developing unsightly marks. They need a minimum temperature
of 10° C, but may to survive a light frost. Some direct sun is
beneficial in order to get a good spine coloration, but not severe
Grow in rich, porous soil and let the soil dry out between waterings.
It needs good drainage and a deep pot to accommodate its tap root
Repot in the spring when the roots become cramped. Generally, these
plants should be re-potted every other year, in order to provide fresh
soil. However, this doesn't necessarily mean they'll need larger
containers. After repotting, do not water for a week or more.
Propagation: Seeds
