All the information and photos
in cactus art files
are now available also in the new the
Encyclopaedia of
We hope you find this new site informative and useful.
gallery: AGAVE
NURSERY Cultivation
and Mail Sale
of Cacti and Succulents.
A. americana
A. americana
A. americana
'mediopicta alba'
A. angustifolia
A. attenuata
forma variegata
A. bracteosa
A. desmetiana
"Joe Hoak"
A. desmetiana forma variegata
A. difformis
A. funkiana
A. ghiesbreghtii
A. guadalajarana
A. horrida
ssp. perotensis.
A. leopoldii
A. lophantha
A. mactroacantha viridis
A. parrasana
A. parviflora
A. parryi "RUBY"
A. patonii
A. peacockii
A. potatorum
A. potatorum
A. potatorum
cv. Kichijokan
A. potatorum
cv. ‘Shoji-Raijin’
A. pumila "nana"
A. schidigera
A. schidigera
forma compacta
A. striata "minima"
A. stricta
A. stricta nana
"blue form"
A. stricta
Agave titanota
Agave sp. FO-076 Sierra Mixteca
(Agave titanota form)
All the information and photos
in cactus art files
are now available also in the new the
Encyclopaedia of
We hope you find this new site informative and useful.