The plant is usually unbranched forming a single column up to 2m tall
and 30cm in diameter. The ribs are 2.5cm high and tuberculate.
Spines: A large central spine and three
auxiliary centrals form a crucifix shape, The primary central is 5 to
7cm, angles down and is slightly to moderately hooked, sometimes to 90
degrees. The other centrals are from 5 to 7.5 cm long. The centrals are
noticeably annularly ridged and flattened with a flat upper surface and
rounded lower surface. Spines can be very light grey to red and yellow
but darken to black with age.
Flowers: Yellow flowers tinged with red appear in May and June at
the crown of the plant, 4 to 6cm. The fruit with scales is fleshy,
yellow or yellowish green 5cm long, 2.5cm in diameter
Photo of conspecific
taxa, varieties, forms and cultivars of
Ferocactus cylindraceus:

Cactaceae (Cactus
Scientific name:
acanthodes v. hertrichii
Origin: The various variety of F.
acanthodes are spread across central and western Arizona,
southeastern California and southwards into Baja California and Sonora,
Conservation status: Listed in
CITES appendix 2.
Field number:
HK 1915
Ferocactus Hertrichii
Thelocactus hertrichii Borg
- nn
- Echinocactus hertrichii Kreuzinger
- Ferocactus
cylindraceus var. hertrichii
Echinocactus lecontei
Engelm. 1856
Ferocactus cylindraceus var. lecontei
(Engelm.) Bravo 1980
- Ferocactus
acanthodes Britton & Rose 1922
- Ferocactus
cylindraceus (Engelmann) Orcutt 1926

Prefers full sun,
Will take some frost.
Seeds are the
only way of reproducing.