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Echinopsis hybrid cv. HAKU-JO MARU


Cultivation and Mail Sale
of Cacti and Succulents.

This cultivar is really different and original, it has a characteristic white tomentose line that connect the areoles one to each other.

Notes: This Japanese cultivar has a very peculiar rib shape. The woolly areoles on the ribs have a felty line between them so it seems like the areoles are connected with each other. It is thought that this interesting cultivar is a chimaeric  plant composed of two genetically different strata of cells. This meristematic mutation originated probably from a normal Echinopsis. The flowers like most other Echinopsis hybrid are long trumpet shaped white and scented. This plant can grow quite fast.

The flowers are produced only when a normal ribs appears from reversion to the original non-mutant form.



Reproduction: From cutting, since the plant offset abundantly. These offsets can be detached and planted immediately as they root easily with no assistance when they touch the ground.


Photo gallery: Alphabetical listing of Cactus and Succulent pictures published in this site.

Photo gallery ECHINOPSIS



Family: Cactaceae (Cactus Family) 

Scientific Name: Echinopsis hybrid
cv. Haku-jo Maru

Origin Garden origin (Nursery produced cultivar)

Conservation status: Listed in CITES appendix 2.


The flowers are a vary pale vanilla yellow and shented.

Cultivation:   It is a fairly easy plant to grow both grafted or in its own roots. During the summer it is best to keep the plants outside where the temperature can rise to over 30 C with no harm to the plant. Furnish good drainage and use a an open and free draining mineral compost that allows therefore roots to breath. They like only a short winter's rest and should be kept almost completely dry during the winter months, If the soil is allowed to be dry for too long root loss could follow but equally the same result would occur if the plants are both wet and cold. From March onwards the plant will begin to grow and watering should be increased gradually until late May when the plant should be in full growth.
Water regularly during the summer so long as the plant pot is allowed to drain and not sit in a tray of water. During hot weather you may need to water the plants more frequently so long as the plant is actively growing. From late September watering should be reduced to force the plant to go in to a state of semi dormancy, by October you should be back in to the winter watering regime.
Need full sun avoiding only the harshest summer sun, if kept too dark they may become overly lush and greener and could be prone to rotting due to over watering.
Feeding may not be necessary at all if the compost is fresh then, feed in summer only if the plant hasn't been repotted recently. Do not feed the plants from September onwards as this can cause lush growth which can be fatal during the darker cold months.

Propagation: By vegetative propagation grafting or stem cuttings from adult plants.

Photo of forms of Echinopsis cv. HAKU JO .

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All the information and photos in cactus art file are now available also in the new the Enciclopedia of Cacti. We hope you find this new site informative and useful.