
Notocactus rudibuenekeri "ALBISSIMO"
This beautiful selection has expressive long, very, very
white and soft spines. Unique! |
Morphology (Identifying
Characteristics): It is a
cactus, fuzzy cactus, usually solitary, or
slowly clustering with spiral of
white spines in columns.
Stem: Globose-Cylindrical,
erect, green, up to 20 cm tall, 5 cm in
Spines: Long,
very white,
glassy and
Diurnal, opening in during the day and closing at night.
Pale to bright yellow up to 4 cm in diameter, developing from white
Blooming season: Summer.
. |

Cactaceae (Cactus
Scientific name: Notocactus
rudibuenekeri Abraham W.R.
In: Succulenta 67 (6): 133-138
Holotypus: W.R.Abraham WRA355, Found by R. Bueneker West of Sao
Gabriel, Rio Grande do Sul, deposited in the Herbarium of the
university of Köln am Rhein/D.
Subfamily: Cactoideae
Tribe: Notocacteae
Origin: The N. rudibuenekeri comes from
Brazil (Rio Grande do Sul) this pure white selection is of
garden origin (Nursery
produced cultivar)
Conservation status: Listed in
CITES appendix 2.
Etymology: Named after the discoverer Rudi W. Büneker.
- Notocactus
var. rudibuenekeri
- Parodia
rudibuenekeri (W. R. Abraham) Hofacker & P. J. Braun 1998
- Peronocactus
rudibuenekeri (Abraham) Doweld 1999 nom.gen.inval.
- Scopacactus
rudibuenekeri Abraham (nach Doweld 2000)
- Scopacactus
rudibuenekeri ssp. rudibuenekeri (nach Doweld 2000)
- Notocactus
scopa var. longispinus n.n. Lemaire 1838
- Notocactus
scopa var.
Heterotypic synonyms:
- Notocactus
glomeratus N.Gerloff (Basionym)
Internoto 12 (1): 3 - 10 1991
Holotypus: F.Stockinger FS249
Discovery site:
Fazenda Darilho, between
Minas do Camqua and
Santana da Boa vista, Rio Grande do Sul. Found by W.R.Abraham and
F.Stockinger, deposits in the Herbarium of the former
in Zürich/CH.
- Notocactus
var. glomeratus
(N. Gerloff 1991) N. Gerloff & Neduchal Internoto
24 (3/4): 52-53 2003
- Parodia
rudibuenekeri ssp. glomerata (Gerloff) Hofacker 1998
- Peronocactus rudibuenekeri
glomeratus (N.Gerloff) Doweld 1999 nom.gen.inval.
- Scopacactus rudibuenekeri
ssp. glomeratus (N. Gerloff) Doweld 2000
- Notocactus scopa var.
glomeratus n.n.

This is an easy plant to cultivate. It
require a
mineral-based potting mix with a good
Can support quite some water during the growing season
but pot plants in winter are
wet-sensitive and
needs to be kept
dry (rots easily if soil is wet and cold).
Usually it is recommended to
this plant in a bright and warm greenhouse with at least 8-10° C , but
it has proved to tolerate temperatures as low as -5° C for short periods.
Sun Exposure:
Light shade to
full sun but doesn't like
full, hot blazing sun in the central summer month.
Propagation: Seeds,
cuttings. Not too difficult to raise from seed. |
Photo of conspecific taxa, varieties, forms and
cultivars of plants belonging to the
Notocactus scopa