Description: Slowly
clustering, globular to roughly columnar cacti.
Stem: bluish-green to olive-green up to 4-9 cm cm in diameter,
10-18 cm tall; Apex depressed, very woolly,
Root: Swollen bundled.
Tubercles: ± Conical, compressed at the sides, rhombic at the
base 5-7mm high.
Areoles: Oval, with much white wool, very soon becoming bare.
Spines: Radials: 8-15 9-11 mm long, rigid, radiating, straight or
(rarely) somewhat bent, intertwined in each other white with brown tip.
Centrals: 1-2 rigid, pungent up to 3 cm long, dark brown becoming
greyish white, blackish tip.
Flowers: Diurnal deep purple with whitish throat, up to 4 cm in
Blooming time: Spring and summer
Fruts: Greenish-red becoming yellowish-brown 4-6mm long, 3-5mm
wide. |

This species is recognizable without problems for the
pungent pale to dark brown spines with blackish tip that become greyish
areoles with white
wool (when
young), soon becoming bare
Cultivation: It’s a fairly
easy species to cultivate and relatively fast growing. Need a very well drained soil. Requires strong sun to
part sun to develop good spinal growth and waterings should be rather
infrequent to keep the plant compact and not to become excessively
elongated and unnatural in appearance. Careful watering away from
the body of the plant will allow the areoles to keep their wool. keep
dry in winter or when night temperatures remain below 10° C, it is hardy
to -4°C for a short period. Assure a good ventilation.
Reproduction: From seed, since the plant rarely produces
plantlets, or
Photo of conspecific taxa, varieties, forms and
cultivars of Turbinicarpus horripilus.