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All the information and photos in cactus art files are now available also in the new the Encyclopaedia of Succulents. We hope you find this new site informative and useful.



Cultivation and Mail Sale
of Cacti and Succulents.

Hawortia "GREEN ROSE"
Haworthia “GREEN ROSE” is a beautiful hybrid with squat lime and marbled chartreuse leaves that look like a green rose flower with succulent petals, making the plant a major conversation piece.




Family: Asphodelaceae (Aloacee - Liliaceae)

Scientific name:  Haworthia cv. GREEN ROSE H.C.K. Mak
Description:  Alsterworthia International 3(2)7.

Origin Garden origin (Nursery produced cultivar)

Description: Haworthia “Green Rose”
is a very nice
hybrid, characterized by broad squared-off leaves which are incurved like a rose bud and ability to form nice clumps. It seems to be an hybrid between H. truncata and H.magifica
Bright green that have a nice rose shape.
Squat lime and marbled chartreuse with "semi"-transparent windows, lovely frosted with shades of lime green.  The tips of the leaves are like windows looking into the green jelly inside and seem to glisten.
Flower: The flower stalks reaches over a 30 cm in height, and feature small white blossoms and cream/tan hanging,
inconspicuous flowers.
Phenology: Blooms repeatedly, mainly in late Spring/Early Summer.
Roots: It has a huge fat, succulent root system, the roots are



Cultivation: Easy to grow it need regular water but do not water again until dry. Also, it is a species that is dormant in the winter and require very little water (maybe even none) during the cold months. Frost Tolerance:  Light frost protection required. Minimum of 5ºC for safe growing (but hardy up to -5°C or less.) Sun Exposure: Requires light shade to bright light (protect from strong midday sun). In shade the body colour will remain mostly green, while full sun will darkena bit. Can be sunburned if moved from shade/greenhouse into full sun too quickly. The amount of sunlight it can withstand without scorching depends upon the how hot it becomes in the summer in the locale in which it is planted.  During the spring it may be able to take full sun until the heat arrives at the end of spring. In an area that has hot afternoon sun, it may be able to take full morning sun, but requires afternoon shade or afternoon light shade. Offsets readily. Needs a deep pot to accommodate the long, thick, contractile roots.
Propagation: Offsets that appear at the base
between the leaves; leave them attached to form a cluster, or wait until they are 1/3 the size of the parent and then detach and plant.

Photo gallery: Alphabetical listing of Cactus and Succulent pictures published in this site.


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All the information and photos in cactus art files are now available also in the new the Encyclopaedia of Succulents. We hope you find this new site informative and useful.