Typically, a general formula will be used to represent the flower
structure of a plant
family rather than a
particular species. The following representations are used:
= Calyx (sepal whorl) X = number of sepals (e.g. Ca5
= 5 sepals)
= Corolla (petal whorl) X = number of petals (e.g., Co3(x)
= petals some multiple of three )
= add if
(e.g., CoZ6 = zygomorphic with 6 petals)
Androecium (whorl of
stamens) X = number of stamens (e.g., A∞ = many
Gynoecium (ovary
bearing carpels) X = number of carpels: if one, termed 'monocarpous', if
two or more and free or distinct, termed 'apocarpous', if two or more
and fused, termed 'syncarpous' or connate. (e.g., G1 =
A floral formula would appear something like this:
Other key used in
Floral Formulas:
perianth; if sepals and petals are alike termed 'tepals'.
= adnate; or fusion of two different floral whorls
'hypanthium' when all whorls are present. Especially frequent in the
Rosidae. The floral whorls are perigynous to the gynoecium, which is
still considered superior to them.
X - to represent a
"variable number"
∞ - to represent "many"
X - X
= variation in number in that family
X = X
= Like floral parts in two whorls

= fully fused or connate, especially in reference to the carpels of
the gynoecium. If carpel # has no fusion symbol, carpels are free and
apically fused or connate
basally fused or connate
fully distinct or fused; variation within a family
= male unisexual flower
= female
unisexual flower

= hermaphrodite bisexual flowers
= staminode; a
sterile stamen
ovary inferior to insertion point of the other whorls. The floral whorls
are epigynous to the gynoecium.
= ovary superior to insertion point of other floral whorls. The
floral whorls are hypogenous to the gynoecium.
= ovary inferior to superior - variation exists
For example the floral formula of the Cactaceae Family