S |
Salt [
Biology - Chemistry ] |
Salt tolerant [
Ecology ] |
Salt tolerant [
Ecology ] |
Sand - Sandy [
Geology - Horticulture ] |
Sap [ Botany ] |
Sapromyophily [ Botany ] |
[ Chemistry - Pedology - Physics ] |
[ Botany - Ecology ] |
Scale [ Botany ] |
Scale-like insects [
Phytoparasitology ] |
Scape [ Botany ] |
Scar [ Botany ] |
Scarification [
Horticulture ] |
Scarious [ Botany ] |
Schizocarpic fruit [ Botany ] |
Schizochromism [ Botany
- Biology ] |
classification [
Taxonomy ] |
Scientific name [
Taxonomy ] |
Scion [
Horticulture ] |
Sclereid [ Botany ] |
Sclerenchyma [ Botany ] |
Season [
Ecology - Botany - Climatology ] |
Secondary [ Botany
- Biology ] |
Secondary growth [ Botany ] |
Secondary meristem [ Botany ] |
Secondary phloem [ Botany ] |
Secondary root [ Botany ] |
sexual characteristics [ Botany ] |
Secondary tissues
[ Botany ] |
Secondary xylem [ Botany ] |
Secretion - Secrete
[ Botany - Biology ] |
Section [
Taxonomy ] |
Seed [ Botany ] |
Seed coat [ Botany ] |
Seed plant [ Botany ] |
Seed pod [ Botany ] |
Seedless [ Botany ] |
Seedling [ Botany ] |
Segment [ Botany
- Morphology ] |
Segregate - Segregation
Taxonomy ] |
Selection [
Biology - Genetics - Horticulture ] |
Selective advantage [
Biology - Genetics ] |
Selective breeding [
Genetics ] |
Selective fertilization [ Horticulture ] |
Self-fertilization [ Biology
- Botany ] |
Self-pollination [ Botany
- Genetics ] |
Semi- [
Prefix ] |
Semi-dormant season [ Botany
- Ecology ] |
Semi-double flowering [ Botany
- Horticulture ] |
Semierect [ Botany ] |
Semiprostrate [ Botany ] |
Sense [
Biology ] |
Senescence [
Biology ] |
Sensitive [ Botany
- Biology ] |
Sensu lato [
Taxonomy ] |
Sensu stricto [
Taxonomy ] |
Sepal [ Botany ] |
[ Botany ] |
Separation - Separable [ Botany ] |
Septum [ Botany ] |
Series [
Taxonomy ] |
Serrate [ Botany ] |
Serrulate [ Botany ] |
Sessile [ Botany ] |
Seta - Setae [ Botany ] |
Sex sexual [ Biology ] |
Sex organ [ Biology ] |
Sexual dimorphism [
Biology ] |
Sexual maturity [
Biology ] |
Sexual reproduction [
Biology ] |
Shade - Shadow [
Ecology - Horticulture ] |
Shading net [Horticulture ] |
Shoot [ Botany ] |
Shoot system
[ Botany ] |
Short days plant [ Botany ] |
Short lived [ Botany ] |
Shrub [ Botany ] |
Shrubland [
Ecology ] |
Shrunken [ Botany ] |
Sieve elements [ Botany ] |
Sign [
Pathology - Physiology ] |
Signal [
Biology ] |
Silicon [
Chemistry - Physiology ] |
Silique - Silicle [ Botany ] |
Silt [
Agronomy - Geology ] |
Simple [ Botany ] |
Simple flrower [ Botany ] |
Simple fruit [ Botany ] |
Simple leaf [ Botany ] |
Simple pistil (Simple
ovary) [ Botany ] |
Sine numero [
Taxonomy ] |
Single-flowering [ Botany
- Horticulture ] |
Sinuate [ Botany ] |
Sinus [ Botany ] |
Sister [
Biology ] |
Sister taxa [
Cladistics -Taxonomy ] |
Skin [ Botany ] |
[ Landscaping - Ecology ] |
Slow growing
[ Botany - Horticulture ] |
[ Zoology - Biology - Horticulture ] |
Smell [ Botany ] |
Snails [ Zoology - Biology
- Horticulture ] |
Snow [
Ecology - Horticulture - Meteorology ] |
Soaking [
Horticulture ] |
Sodium [
Agronomy - Chemistry - Physiology ] |
Soft rot [
Horticulture - Phytopathology ] |
Softening [ Phytopathology ] |
Soil [
Pedology ] |
Soil born [
Pathology ] |
Soil compaction [
Agronomy - Horticulture ] |
Soilless medium
[ Horticulture ] |
Soil level or surface [ Botany ] |
Soil solution (Soil water) [
Agronomy - Horticulture ] |
Soil structure [
Agronomy - Horticulture ] |
Soil temperature [
Agronomy - Horticulture ] |
Solid [
Physics ] |
[ Habit of growth - Botany ] |
Soluble [
Chemistry - Physics ] |
Soluble powder [
Chemistry - Physics ] |
Solum [
Agronomy - Pedology ] |
Solute [
Chemistry ] |
Solution [
Chemistry ] |
Somaclonal mutation [
Genetics ] |
Somatic [ Biology ] |
Somatic mutation [
Biology - Genetics ] |
Sooty mould [
Phytopathology - Phytoparasitology ] |
Southern hemisphere [ Biogeography ] |
Sowing [
Horticulture ] |
Space [
Physics ] |
Spatulate [
Botany ] |
Specialized [ Biology
- Ecology ] |
Speciation [ Biology
- Taxonomy ] |
Specie nova [
Taxonomy ] |
Species [
Biology ] |
Species affinis (abbreviation:
sp. aff. )
[ Taxonomy ] |
Species abundance [
Ecology ] |
Species composition [
Ecology ] |
Species diversity [
Ecology ] |
Species richness [
Ecology ] |
Specimen [ Biology
- Taxonomy - Horticulture ] |
Sperm spermatozoon
)[ Botany
- Biology ] |
Spermatophyte [ Botany ] |
Spheric- spherical [ Biology ] |
Sphingophily [ Botany ] |
Spider-like [ Botany ] |
Spike [ Botany ] |
Spikelet [ Botany ] |
Spination [ Botany ] |
Spindle-shaped [ Botany ] |
Spine cluster [ Botany ] |
Spineless [ Botany ] |
Spines [ Botany ] |
Spinescent [ Botany ] |
Spiniferous [ Botany ] |
Spinose-dentate [ Botany ] |
Spiny [ Botany ] |
Sporangium [ Botany ] |
Spore [ Botany ] |
Sporophyte [ Botany ] |
Sport [
Genetics ] |
Spots [
Morphology - Phytopathology - Gardening ] |
Sprawling [ Botany ] |
Spread - Spreading [ Botany
- Morphology ] |
Spring [
Ecology - Climatology ] |
Spring ephemeral [ Botany ] |
Sprout [ Botany ] |
Spur [ Botany ] |
Squama - Squamiform [ Botany ] |
Stage [ Botany
- Biology ] |
Stagnant [
Horticulture ] |
Stalk [ Botany ] |
Stamen [ Botany ] |
Staminate flower [ Botany ] |
Staminode [ Botany ] |
Stand [
Botany - Ecology - Agronomy ] |
Star tree [
Cladistics - Taxonomy ] |
Starch [ Botany
- Biochemistry] |
State [
Physics ] |
Stationary (Stationary phase) [
Biology - Physiology ] |
Stele [ Botany ] |
Stellate [ Botany ] |
Stem [ Botany ] |
Stem burst (rupture - split -
fracture )[ Botany ] |
cutting[ Horticulture ] |
Stem photosynthetic plants
[ Botany ] |
Stem succulent [ Botany ] |
Stemless [ Botany ] |
Steppe [
Biogeography - Ecology ] |
Sterile [
Biology - Botany - Pathology - Ecology] |
[ Botany
- Biology ] |
Stigmatic chamber
[ Botany
] |
Stimuli [
Biology ] |
Stipe [ Botany ] |
Stipula - Stipuliferous - Stipuliformis [ Botany ] |
Stipular scar [ Botany ] |
Stock [
Horticulture ] |
Stolon [ Botany ] |
Stoma (plural
Stomata) [ Botany ] |
Stone fruit [ Botany ] |
Stone - Stony [ Botany
- Pedology - Geology ] |
Storage [ Botany ] |
Storage compounds [ Botany ] |
Storage organ [ Botany ] |
Strain [
Botany - Biology - Genetics - Physiology ] |
Stratification [
Agronomy - Horticulture ] |
Stratum (Plural Strata) [
Ecology - Agronomy - Biology ] |
Stress [
Physiology ] |
Structure [
Biology ] |
Style [ Botany ] |
Sub- [
Prefix ] |
Subadult [
Botany - Biology ] |
Subantartic [
Ecology - Climatology -Biogeography ] |
Subapical [ Botany ] |
Subartic [
Ecology - Climatology - Biogeography ] |
Subaxillary [ Botany ] |
Subclass [
Taxonomy ] |
Sub-culture [
Horticulture - Micropropagation ] |
Subequal [
Botany ] |
Subequatorial [
Ecology - Climatology - Biogeography ] |
Suberin [ Botany
- Biochemistry ] |
Subfamily [
Taxonomy ] |
Subgenus - Subgenera [
Taxonomy ] |
Subglobose [ Botany ] |
Sublimation [
Physics ] |
Subobtuse [ Botany ] |
Subquadrangular [ Botany ] |
Subsessile [ Botany ] |
Subshrub [ Botany ] |
Subsoil [
Agronomy - Pedology ] |
Subspecies [
Taxonomy ] |
Substance [
Biology - Chemistry - Biochemistry ] |
Substratum [
Horticulture - Ecology - Pedology ] |
Subtend [ Botany ] |
Subterminal [ Botany ] |
Subterranean [ Botany ] |
Subtropical [
[ Ecology - Climatology -Biogeography ] |
Subulate [
Botany ] |
Subvariety [
Taxonomy ] |
Succulent - succulence [ Botany ] |
Suckers [ Botany ] |
Suffix [
used in Biological Terminology ) ] |
Sugars [ Botany
- Biochemistry ] |
Sugar-content [ Botany ] |
Sulphur [
Chemistry - Physiology ] |
Summer [
Ecology - Climatology ] |
Summer dormancy [
Botany - Horticulture ] |
Sun exposure [
Horticulture - Ecology ] |
Sunlight [ Botany
- Physiology - Ecology ] |
Super- [
Prefix ] |
Superdomain [
Taxonomy ] |
Superficial [ Botany
- Pedology ] |
Superimposed [ Botany ] |
Superior [ Botany ] |
Superior ovary [ Botany ] |
Support (means of support) [
Horticulture ] |
Support system [ Botany ] |
Surculose [ Botany ] |
Surface [ Botany ] |
Surface feature [ Botany ] |
Surface pattern [ Botany
- Horticulture ] |
Survival [ Biology
-Ecology ] |
Susceptible [
Botany - Horticulture ] |
Suture [ Botany ] |
Symbiosis [ Botany ] |
Symmetry - Symmetric [
Botany - Biology - Morphology - Habit of growth ] |
Sympatric [
Biology ] |
Symptom [
Pathology ] |
Symptomology [
Pathology ] |
Synapomorphy [
Taxonomy - Biology ] |
Syncarp [ Botany ] |
Syncarpous [ Botany ] |
Synchronized flowering [ Botany
- Ecology ] |
Synonym [
Taxonomy ] |
Synonymus novum [
Taxonomy ] |
Synthesis [
Biology - Chemistry ] |
Synthetic [
Biology -Chemistry ] |
Syntype [
Taxonomy ] |
[ Botany - Biology - Physiology] |
Systematics [
Taxonomy ] |
Systemic [
Chemistry - Horticulture - Phytopathology ] |